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New Hearthstone Meta Predictions & Wishes

With the upcoming Hearthstone expansion, Festival of Legends, not only will be 145 new cards be added, but the yearly rotation of cards leaving Standard (and changes to the Core Set cards) will be taking place simultaneously. With so many changes all at once, the AFG crew weighs in on what they think the meta will look like, and what they are most excited for when the changes happen on April 11th.


I am SUPER excited for the Festival of Legends expansion! I think that post rotation the meta will FINALLY be midrange decks again, as opposed to only aggro or control. Warlock and Priest, (who would have guessed), have the biggest control potential. But I think that is very balanced all things considered, and warrior is finally looking playable again! The archetype I am most looking forward to playing is fatigue warlock, just barely beating out divine shield paladin and deathrattle death knight! P.s. Big shaman will be a thing this expansion, you don't have to take my word for it but don't be surprised


I'm so excited for this rotation and new set. The choices for the new core set look phenomenal, and the flavor of the newest expansion is the most interesting to me ever! I'm very excited to try out the new combo cards for Rogue. With Breakdance I think Rogue can play an incredibly cheap deck to contest early board/blowout opponents and win off of Astalor with nearly infinite copies for any grindy match up. Rogue is always my go to day one and this one will be no different! I can't wait to try out some aggressive Demon Hunters (hello Kayn Sunfury!), Overload Shaman and control Warlock (hello Defile!) as well. Just about every class has something I'm interested to try day one.

Azalea Akari

I am very excited for the rotation of core set and Festival of Legends expansion! The classes I am most excited for is Demon Hunter and Warlock because of the difference in archetypes we will likely see in standard from the previous year in Aggro DH with Kayn Sunfury being added and Control Warlock perhaps with demons from the core set in Void Caller and Enhanced Dreadlord, as well as defile making its return to standard hearthstone in Core Set. I plan to start with Demon Hunter and move onto classes from there on Day 1.


Rotations and new cards are always a time to get excited for. The new core set looks to be new enough to cause a lot of changes. Festival of Legends looks to be a very unique and fun themed set that I can’t wait to try out. I’m going to go with my gut and say that I think aggro decks like paladin will dominate the first week since they should be easier to figure out. Followed by more difficult to figure out a good 30 for like warlock, hunter, Druid, etc to come later. I’m looking forward to playing big token Druid because I love big spells and any opportunity to play Topior.


Festival of Legends is shaping up to be a banger of an expansion. The theme is fantastic and I'm really looking forward to diving in upon release. Lots of the new cards have me excited to start deckbuilding and playing. I'm looking forward to trying out Fatigue Warlock with the big finisher, Crescendo! Rogue is looking pretty cool with all the new Combo support it got. Paladin also got some new tools like Starlight Groove that should prove to be quite powerful. The new Core Set also looks amazing with returning favorites like Dirty Rat, Cult Neophyte, Zilliax, and many more.


With the first set of every year, I feel like the meta always tends to be a bit more fast-paced and aggressive with usually multiple decks having a somewhat similar neutral-card "package" and game-enders. I wouldn't be surprised to see neutrals like Zilliax be included in many decks, and for games to be ending turns 6-10 at the latest. I'm looking forward to playing some of those aggressive decks, and I hope decks like Divine Shield Paladin and an aggressive menagerie deck are top tier!

What do YOU think the meta will look like and what types of decks or archetypes are you the most excited about?

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