Welcome to the first volume in a series of articles intended to increase the skill level of the average Hearthstone player and solidify more complex subjects for moderate and advanced players. In today's article we will discuss what Hearthstone is, what basic skills are required to play the game, and what some basic improvement strategies are.
To begin let's discuss what is Hearthstone? I've heard that question a number of times from people looking over my shoulder, from family members asking about what I do these days in my free time, from co-workers at my IRL day job, from friends who I used to play Magic: the Gathering with. According to a quick Google search for a definition Hearthstone is a stone forming a hearth, or the floor of a fireplace. As defined it sounds rather boring but when you explore the word a bit further it can lead to some exciting places. Strap in and follow me on a fantastic adventure while I explore everything there is to know about Hearthstone. Not the fireplace floor, but the digital collectible card game.
I came from a Magic: the Gathering background before moving into the Hearthstone realm so many of the basic concepts were already ingrained in my mind. This isn't necessarily the case for many players of the game, and so some of these basic concepts may not be as simple as many of the more advanced players make them out to be. Concepts such as favorable trades, board control, and card advantage aren't always as straightforward as they may sound. Let's start with the most basic of concepts we should understand as players to make the most of our game play.
Basic math will be used continually throughout Hearthstone game play. You need to recognize when you have enough damage on board and in hand to deal a lethal blow to your opponent. You also need to recognize when your opponent may be able to do the same to you. Utilizing this skill every turn will help bring your game to the next level. Even players who are math geniuses don't put their skill to use as much as they should. One of the most fundamental skills in Hearthstone can be summed as as ABC. "Always Be Counting"
Not only will you use basic math, but if you have am understanding of statistics you can put that skill to use as well. There are many cards in the game that generate other cards from a predetermined, limited pool. Understanding these pools, how many outcomes are positive for you vs. how many are negative and what outcomes you are looking for, can help drive your in game decision making and allow you to win more games.
This may sounds silly, but reading comprehension is huge. This is especially important around new expansion releases or during Arena drafts. Read the entire card! Don't just skim the card and think you know how it works. Even professional players make the mistake of misreading cards. Doing this can cost you games, and when you are not familiar with all the cards it can be very easy to make this mistake. Be sure to take your time and read for understanding. When you see a card you're not familiar with be sure to read it in it's entirety. You have a full 90 seconds to take your turn. Never feel bad about playing through the rope.
As you play more and more you will continue to see decks you've seen before and it will become easier to remember what cards you have in your own deck. Use this knowledge to your advantage. If you know your opponent has a card that can deal 2 damage to all your minions on turn 4, don't fill your board with 2 health minions on turn 3. Make sure you save some in case the turn plays out that way. Memorizing what cards you have can help you play in such a way that are able to find answers when you need them, and if you can remember what your opponents deck consists of you can play around cards that have the potential to blow out your game entirely.
While these are some of the most basic skills you can utilize in a game of Hearthstone, they are the building blocks to more complex skills and a reminder to more skilled players that sometimes you have to look back on the basics to continually improve. Let this be a stepping stone to your improvement and if you have suggestions for basic skills to be included in a future article feel free to reach out to me on Twitter @BitBeaker or email me at BitBeakerGG@gmail.com. Keep an eye on this space for more ways to improve your game and until next time, #RuleTheRoost.