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AFG Weekly 03/21


Welcome to our AFG Weekly article series! Every week I’ll be catching up with players from our team to bring you some info and tips from our players.

Beginning next week we will also be posting a content schedule for all our members in the article so you can catch all the AFG gameplay.

This week Nejiboston and therottedzombie are competing in the Wild Series finals for Team Hearth League. Looking to finish up a year of domination and claim a 3rd title in a row!

The Team

Nejiboston had a 4-4 finish at the Masters Tour over the weekend to snag his share of the prize money! Last week he practiced his decks extensively. He brought Quest Fel Demon Hunter, Ramp Druid, Quest Hunter and Libram Paladin. Highlight deck for him was Ramp Druid which went 3-0 and was banned in the remaining 5 matches! He also renewed his gym membership and is already feeling the benefits for his physical and mental health. He reminds us “that slow progress is better than no progress. The same goes for most things in life and it can definitely be applied to Hearthstone as well.”

I’ve been taking a much needed break from Hearthstone. My gaming time has been spent exploring the gorgeous world of Elden Ring, and I’ve been grinding away at a planned article series on mental game in Hearthstone. However, I’ve run into the terrifying writer’s block and have just been chipping away at it bit by bit. I force myself to give it a go every day just to keep working through the block. Expect the first article in the next week or so! I also have come to the end of my job search and received an official offer today! Looking forward to next month for a new Hearthstone year and a new beginning in my career.

Weekly Question

This week I asked for everyone’s favorite revealed card thus far..

Nejiboston: Bootstrap Sunkeneer. I loved vilespine slayer and tempo rogue decks of the past so I'm hopeful this will find a place in a deck like that next expansion.

basedinc: Crabatoa is the exact card I love to play in Rogue. Lots of tempo and easily able to convert into finishing a game!

See you next week! Remember the plan. Biggest minion, all face.



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