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AFG Weekly 03/11


Welcome to our AFG Weekly article series!

Every week I’ll be catching up with players from our team to bring you some info and tips from our players! We are looking to do a reader replay review each week as well. If you’d like a chance to have your replay reviewed by our team please direct message us a link to your replay on twitter @AFlightGaming.

Next week there will not be an AFG Weekly article on Friday! AFG Weekly will be moving to Mondays with the first article on 3/21. You can look forward to the first installment on my mental game articles for next Friday 3/18!

The Team

Doctorfeesh has been taking a small break from Hearthstone but has been crushing it in speedrunning! He recently set a world record in Wave Race 64 on one of the more difficult tracks breaking an 8-9 year old reign by another speedrunner on that course! He’s also been enjoying the newest Team Fight Tactics set.

dragonrider hit legend on day 3 on the Americas server and has moved onto a free-to-play climb on the Asia server with a Hunter deck and a 6 star bonus! She’s found that she can win even with less than optimal decks by honing her gameplans and win conditions! She’s also been working on upcoming content for announcement season and Dreamhack Dallas in June!

RonMexico has been scamming with Kazakusan Druid. He also says “it's not great to play against quite often, but it's a blast to play with” and wants to remind everyone to be kind in these trying times.

Nejiboston dabbled in the hot new Prestor Druid but swapped to Shadow Priest to finish his climb to legend with a 19-6 game score. He noted how important it is to practice with decks that are outside of your comfort zone as he did with aggro this week! He’s also been chipping away at Pokemon Legends: Arceus for a couple months now and still enjoying all there is to do there!

Weekly Question

This week I asked which 3 cards folks would like to see in the upcoming core set.

Doctorfeesh: Nerubian Unraveler as a new addition, Taelan Fordring staying Core, and Cult Neophyte to move to Core Set.

dragonrider: CUBE!!

RonMexico: Deathstalker Rexxar, Deathstalker Rexxar, Deathstalker Rexxar. I don't care that it's a pipe dream.

Nejibsoton: Frost Lich Jaina, Mojomaster Zihi, Tar Creeper

See you next week! Remember the plan. Biggest minion, all face.



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