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AFG Weekly 02/25


Welcome to our AFG Weekly article series!

Every week I’ll be catching up with players from our team to bring you some info and tips from our players! We are looking to do a reader replay review each week as well. If you’d like a chance to have your replay reviewed by our team please direct message us a link to your replay on twitter @AFlightGaming.

The Team

Itachi has been jamming Kazakusan and Duolingo! Learning French and slamming treasures! He recommends playing “Kazakusan as fast as you can and draw all the cards and play them. Enjoy!” Which I can absolutely affirm. Slam ‘em while it’s hot! Kazakusan is definitely a uniquely Hearthstone experience!

RonMexico shunned the Kazakusan in favor of 2 mana spells! Quest Hunter has been meshing perfectly with our resident Rexxar lover. He recommends counting lethal early and often especially in a deck like Quest Hunter where you can quickly find yourself setting up a 2 turn lethal from very high health totals! He’s also been back on his consistent streaming schedule. Catch him Wednesday nights at

Fairest Biscuit hit his 500 wins in Mage last week and has moved on to grinding all things Druid! He says to “just go for it. Know your strategy inside and out and stay as focused as you can to make that strategy work. I typically play more aggressive decks and at some point your opponent either has the answer to counter your strategy or you just win. Always take the chance and if you choose wrong, move onto the next game.” Play to win rather than not lose and things will start to click! He’s also been digging back into Cuphead with the release of the TV show on Netflix! It is an absolutely fantastic game if you haven’t taken the time to try it.

DoctorFeesh spent the last week playing Burn Shaman and preparing for THL playoffs. He’s also been learning the tools to plan his future as he recently got his degree! Congrats Feesh! He’s also been enjoying Teamfight Tactics with the release of the new set.

I recently got my 1,000 win Druid portrait while jamming Kazakusan on ladder which is always a fun accomplishment! I have been really enjoying the meta with the release of this miniset. The power level is obviously quite high with this six set meta which often leads to a somewhat polarized play experience (exacerbated by Druid’s ramping tools at the moment), but the games are still interesting and fun to play. There’s a lot of viable decks you can climb with at the moment and most of them have been a blast to learn!

Weekly Question

This week, I asked everyone what their all time favorite decks were and what set/patch if they remembered!

Itachi: Raza Priest pre nerf and Barrens Miracle Rogue!

RonMexico: Deathrattle Hunter from Kobolds & Catacombs. It helps that DK Rexxar is my favorite card of all time by a mile.

Fairest Biscuit: Classic Freeze Mage and Mill Rogue.

DoctorFeesh: Soul Demon Hunter Scholomance Academy until pre-patch 19.2 (Blade Dance, Soul Shatter Mystic nerf)

basedinc: CubeLock (Doomguard and Rin versions), Doomhammer Shamans (Rise of the Mech) and most iterations of Miracle Rogues

See you next week! Remember the plan. Biggest minion, all face.


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