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AFG Weekly 02/11


Welcome to our AFG Weekly article series. We’re excited to bring you content for the miniset early next week! Keep an eye out for that.

Every week I’ll be catching up with players from our team to bring you some info and tips from our players! We are looking to do a reader replay review each week as well. If you’d like a chance to have your replay reviewed by our team please direct message us a link to your replay on twitter @AFlightGaming.

The Team

Itachi has been playing Evovle Shaman and asks you to stop playing Rustrot Viper… seems awfully similar to his advice last week. Though he seems to be interested in benefiting off the advice personally this time. He’s also been playing Wordle every morning religiously.

“I remember my grandpa always doing the crossword puzzle with coffee in the morning and I finally understand the peace.“

I never thought of it that way and I definitely feel the same. Nice to take your brain out for a little stretch as you wake up in the morning.

RonMexico has been jamming a “hodgepodge” of decks on ladder. Fel Demon Hunter is his favorite, but it was Ping Mage that got him over the line to legend this month. “It’s not the strongest, but it fights hard.” Thanks for the advice BobMexico. RonMexico has great advice for us this week that I’ve been following.

“If you're not enjoying a certain meta or feeling a bit burnt out, take a break! It goes a long way!”

This is absolutely true for any living game. It’ll always be waiting for you when you’re ready.

DoctorFeesh has been playing a good mix of both wild and standard to get acquainted with several decks in each format and looking for new favorite archetypes to enjoy. He’s also continuing on his journey to find good balance with his free time. Aren’t we all 😅. He’s also begun up an Emerald Nuzlocke attempt and has been very much enjoying his time with it.

basedinc (that’s me!) has been jamming Quest Shaman on ladder. I absolutely love this deck’s flexibility and payoff for game planning. Also a fan of the card generation but I don’t want to get cancelled so keep that hush please. Most of my gaming time has been going into Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel as I reconnect with the game that made me fall in love with card games. It’s been a trip learning to put in practice the things I’ve learned from years of Hearthstone back in Yu-Gi-Oh. Maybe a little content guide for if you’re looking to get into Master Duel is in development 😉.

Weekly Question

This week, I asked everyone what brought them to Hearthstone. Card games, Warcraft, or something else entirely?

Itachi: I came to Hearthstone from Yugioh! I had quit Yugioh due to no longer having time to travel two weekends a month, but now I go back and forth between the two while actually having time to do neither.

RonMexico: My brother talked me into it. He showed me a hunter deck and then the smorc life chose me.

Doctorfeesh: I came to Hearthstone from League of Legends.

basedinc: I came to Hearthstone looking for an online card game to play. I’d played a bit of Warcraft with my dad but never World of Warcraft.

See you next week! Remember the plan. Biggest minion, all face.



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