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AFG Weekly 02/04


Welcome to our AFG Weekly article series. It may seem a little more like a monthly at this exact moment but I swear I’ll be back next week!

Every week I’ll be catching up with players from our team to bring you some info and tips from our players! We are looking to do a reader replay review each week as well. If you’d like a chance to have your replay reviewed by our team please direct message us a link to your replay on twitter @AFlightGaming.

The Team

Doctorfeesh had a pretty big week in Hearthstone (a couple weeks ago…). He hit that sweet 500 wins on his Druid as well as had a sweet 3-0 match week in THL winning in Legacy, Hero and Wild series! That wasn’t his only accomplishment that week either! He got a new personal best in Diddy Kong Racing All Trophies of 25:54 which placed him in the top 20 of all runners at the time. When asked if he had anything recently learned to share this week he said, “When playing Hearthstone ladder, being able to push through a rough start to a session and understanding when to take a break is so crucial to keep a positive mentality towards the game, other players, and yourself.” Well said.

Nejiboston qualified for the first Masters Tour of the year! He was “exclusively playing Quest Shaman and I got the finish with a total winrate of 64% over 95 games.” Which led to this great piece of advice from Neji that I refuse to paraphrase as well. “Don't count yourself out at any point. I was at rank 800 at one point this season and even at 300 at the start of the week. As Kobe Bryant once said "Great things come from hard work and perseverance. No Excuses". So no matter how unlucky you think you may be getting in your games, you just have to keep pushing forward to reach your goals.” He also mentioned that the finish grind meant very little time for gaming but he looks forward to playing Pokemon Legends: Arceus later (the most fun I’ve had in a Pokemon game in over a decade personally). Also you can catch Nejiboston’s streams again! He will occasionally be streaming evenings Pacific time!

BitBeaker has been on his grind. He’s got 3 Hearthstone focuses right now: homebrews, Wild THL and qualifiers. His advice this week is simple. “Always count lethal.” It’s step one in turn planning; don’t get caught up in the weeds of complicated lines or removal before doing the quick count of “how much damage can I send face?” He’s also “been playing an interesting RPG game called MONOLISK. The levels are player generated and there are some very clever level designs.” Time for me to go check out another new game I guess!

Itachi has been really enjoying Quest Hand Warlock recently. He really enjoys the varied gameplans you can take each week and the very niche plays he’s learned to really master the deck. His advice this week is to avoid tech cards most of the time. He said “You starting is more important than them stopping.” A really potent statement that leads perfectly into what else Itachi has been playing. We’ve both been jamming Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel where you absolutely play tech cards because starting unbothered is game over. Different games have different rules obviously!

Weekly Question

This week I asked everyone what they listen to while they play Hearthstone.

Nejiboston: Typically I listen to lofi or r&b music when playing. If I need to hype myself up when I'm down in a tournament set, I'll listen to anime openings/music.

BitBeaker: Either chill electro music or the filthiest Drum & Bass you could imagine.

Itachi: LoFi music usually! Sometimes podcasts and if I'm feeling good about the decks I'm piloting, I listen to standup comedy. Primarily Dave Chapelle.

basedinc: I’ll listen to just about anything I typically jam, but I specifically love the Lofi Girl playlists and Kendrick Lamar’s Damn.

See you next week! Remember the plan. Biggest minion, all face.



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